ORCA employs the services of some of the most experienced and talented professionals in the field.

We are proud to be able to offer the services of this diverse and talented team to meet all your needs.

Ben Cropley


With over 40 years experience in the industry, Ben is internationally recognised for his leadership, innovation and experience in the fields of oil response and response preparation.

Narelle Ward


Highly respected, Narelle has over 14 years experience in operations and the logistics involved in oil response and environmental risk management through response preparation. Excellent leadership qualities in the field and a highly skilled and accredited trainer.

Mark Jenneys

Manager South Australia

A qualified shipwright and former surveyor, Mark has 25 years experience in the marine and oil response industries. Mark runs the entire South Australian division and is also responsible for our engineering and R&D departments.

Dale McClelland

Operations and BD Manager

With 35 years on-water experience and 20+ years operations management experience, Dale is responsible for the scheduled maintenance and preparedness of our response teams as well as assisting our customers with their first response requirements.

Certifications and Qualifications

ORCA’s staff are from many diverse background and have extensive experience in oil spill response, planning and management.

ORCA has certificate of compliance with Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801:2001 & OHSAS 18001:2007 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems.

ORCA is a member of ASTM International and has voting rights on their F20 committee. The F20 committee has jurisdiction over more than 20 standards relating to the manufacture and use of oil spill response products. The F20 committee develops and reviews these standards.

Some of the qualifications help by ORCA staff are:

  • Science degree
  • Certified quality auditor
  • Degree in occupational health and safety
  • Master mariner classes 4, 5 & 6.


A team of highly experienced senior level personnel with a wealth of knowledge and expertise across the entire marine pollution spectrum
as well as an excellent working knowledge of the marine and inland waterway environments provide further support and input to ORCA’s consultancy division.

In addition to its operations, ORCA provides consultancy services throughout the country & internationally.

Speak with us about our consultancy service


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